Penggunaan Simbol-Simbol Budaya dalam Kampanye Pilcaleg di Kota Bau-Bau


  • Ruslan Rahman


cultural symbols as campaign strategy, the reasons of using cultural symbols


Campaign strategy used by candidates in Bau-bau town are using various cultural symbols, such as: (1) local language, (2) wearing traditional clothes, and (3) using local cultural sites (fort, palace, or mosque). Their reasons of using such strategies are: (1) to be known as local citizens, (2) to be referred to their social status (their family’s origin), (3) to be known of their concern on Buton’s culture, and (4) as adaptation effort. The regional autonomy policy has arised the local citizen’s reference which therefore using traditional clothes to show their appreciation to local culture; sites picturew to show they are parts of Buton’s culture; kamiana status shows their social standing worth to be elected; local languages used as adaptation media to be perceived that candidates are members of in-group


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How to Cite

Rahman, R. (2023). Penggunaan Simbol-Simbol Budaya dalam Kampanye Pilcaleg di Kota Bau-Bau. Renai , 10(2). Retrieved from