Pemilu Legislatif dan Kebangkitan Identitas Kelompok Marginal


  • Tasrifin Tahara Staf Pengajar Departemen Antropologi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar


marginal group, general election, identity


The article discusses the rise of the Katobengke people’s identity in the Buton social structure during the Legislative Election in 2004 and 2009 in Bau-bau town. The people perceive the elections as self-representation arena as a group to be given attention in the power context in Buton. In the Buton’s society the Katobengke people are classified as marginalized papara group as constructed since the Sultanate period which is dominated by the kaomu, and walaka groups. During the 2009 general election, a number of Katobengke people became the candidates during the town and provincial elections. The election is perceived as the time of identity rise of the people of Katobengke which consists 20% voters in the town of Bau-bau. The people of Katobengke is using creatively their cultural identity in the political participation to have their representative in Bau-bau town parliament.


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How to Cite

Tahara, T. (2023). Pemilu Legislatif dan Kebangkitan Identitas Kelompok Marginal. Renai , 10(2). Retrieved from