Pesan Politik Dan Representasi Kepentingan Rakyat Di Aras Lokal2 (Studi Kasus di Kota Palangka Raya)


  • Kisno Hadi Pengajar Tidak Tetap di Jurusan Ilmu Sosial Politik, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Palangkaray


political messages, constituents’ interests, self-image, and message media


The article’s focus of analysis is on message and representation of constituents’ interests in the local election in Palangka Raya town, Central Kalimantan, to show how the effort of candidates to maximize to the constituent’s interest in their campaign messages and how their effort to minimize the candidates’ political interests, so their campaign messages reflect the constituents’ interests and not the candidates’ own interest. The analysis show that: (1) all forms of political messages are used to self popularize the candidates and emphasizing the candidates’ political interests than the constituents’ interests, (2) the candidates show their objectives towards grasping power, for themselves rather than for the constituents’ needs. Therefore, the political messages conveyed through various campaign media are mainly to make oneself popular in order to represent oneself as representing the constituents’ interests.




How to Cite

Hadi, K. (2023). Pesan Politik Dan Representasi Kepentingan Rakyat Di Aras Lokal2 (Studi Kasus di Kota Palangka Raya). Research and Advocacy Journal in Social Sciences and Humanities, 10(2). Retrieved from