Towards Zero Plastic Waste in State Madrasah Aliyah For Supporting the Adiwiyata Program: Eco-Justice Paradigm
Eco-Justice, Zero plastic waste, Adiwiyata program, Sustainable infrastructureAbstract
This study explores the implementation of David Orr’s eco-justice paradigm in achieving the zero plastic waste objectives at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Insan Cendekia, aligning with the school’s commitment to the Adiwiyata program. While environmental awareness among students is high, efforts to reduce plastic waste are limited. The main barriers include a lack of supporting infrastructure and the absence of a systematic curriculum integration. Some students support the zero plastic waste policy. However, the main challenge is the limited facilities, such as waste banks, composting units, and plastic alternatives in the school canteen. The study uses a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative data through a parallel convergent design. Quantitative data were collected through structured questionnaires distributed to 70 respondents. Qualitative data were gathered through comprehensive interviews with purposively selected informants. The findings suggest that to achieve Adiwiyata goals, the school needs to improve sustainable infrastructure. It should also strengthen experiential learning and engage the entire school community in sustainability initiatives. This research contributes to understanding how education and sustainable infrastructure interact to support the zero plastic waste policy at schools. It also emphasizes the importance of collaboration between schools and external stakeholders in creating an ecosystem that fosters environmental responsibility.
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