Unity of Existence in Sufism: The Mystical Philosophy of Abu Yazid Al-Busthami and Its Environmental Implications


  • Zein Muchamad Masykur UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto, Banyumas, 53126 Indonesia


Sufism, Abu Yazid Al-Busthami, Unity of Existence, Environmental Ethics, Spiritual Ecology


This paper looks at the mystical philosophy of Abu Yazid Al-Busthami, one of the most renowned Sufis, famous for his Wahdat al-Wujud or unity of existence and fana or self-annihilation. His teachings thus advocate a deeply unitive relation between man and the Divine, purporting that creation expresses one interconnected reality. This perspective can be used to develop an Islamically based environmental ethic which goes beyond anthropocentrism by cultivating veneration for the natural world. His emphasis on fana' in Al-Busthami encourages transcending beyond ego-driven desires to the feeling of responsibility toward the environment as part of God's creation.
This article contextualizes the original teachings of Al-Busthami using textual and hermeneutic analyses in relation to ecocentric and deep ecological ethics, thus setting the frame for his philosophy to be recognized as one of the spiritual grounds for modern environmental stewardship on behalf of Islamic communities. However, it completely depends on the historical texts that might not be representative of modern understandings; therefore, future research could further elaborate on the current findings in light of practical implementations of the teachings of Al-Busthami and then explore similar ideas among other Islamic mystics. Finally, Al-Busthami's philosophy has a spiritual basis which, based on Islamic values, may allow one to develop sustainable environmental practices.


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How to Cite

Masykur, Z. M. (2025). Unity of Existence in Sufism: The Mystical Philosophy of Abu Yazid Al-Busthami and Its Environmental Implications. Research and Advocacy Journal in Social Sciences and Humanities, 11(1), 56–69. Retrieved from https://renai-journal.percik.or.id/index.php/renai/article/view/24